Eight Scales of DiSC Profiles

DiSC Profile:  Personal Leadership Style

Good leaders are often thought to have a specific type of personality.  While it does take certain traits to lead effectively, there are many different types of leaders and many different qualities that are required to make them impactful.  The DiSC profile report can help you determine which type of leader you are, which can help you identify areas in which you can improve and develop.  The Everything DiSC® assessment focuses on identifying the “primary emotions” to help an individual become more self-aware of their emotional responses and behaviors. The DiSC personality types of primary emotions are known as Dominance (D), Influence (i), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C).

In addition, to the four primary emotions (DiSC), the model breaks down further into eight DiSC scales as follows:

DiSC Profile:  Eight DiSC Scales          

Di:  The Dominance & Influence (Di) DiSC personality style individual is active and has a fast-paced disposition that is dynamic, bold, and adventurous.

D:  An individual with a Dominance (D) DiSC personality profile will be direct and dominant. They can also be described as aggressive, strong-willed, and forceful.

I:  An individual with the Influence (i) DiSC personality profile will be an interactive, social, lively, and talkative. This individual enjoys building strong relationships and connecting with others.  As a result of their ability to develop relationships, they will influence others and know how to rally individuals to get things done.

iS:  The Influence & Support (iS) individual DiSC personality style demonstrates characteristics of being warm, agreeable, cheerful, and caring. People with the iS style are very trusting of others. 

S:  An individual with a support (S) DiSC profile will have an accommodating and steady personality. This individual will be considerate, steady, and have a soft heart.

SC:  A person who possesses the support and conscientiousness (SC) DiSC profile will be moderate-paced as well as cautious. They will exhibit self-control and be both soft-spoken and careful.

C:   An individual with the conscientiousness (C) DiSC profile will be private and conscientious, as well as reserved and analytical. They will not often show emotion.

CD:  An individual who possesses the conscientiousness and direct (CD) DiSC profile style will be skeptical, cynical, and stubborn. They will always question and criticize.



DiSC Profile Results

The DiSC profile results are scored on the eight scales.  The eight scales are used to identify the exact placement of an individual DiSC assessment type on the DiSC profile chart and is identified with a dot.  The DiSC profile results chart is divided into twelve (12) sections, with each section representing thirty (30) degrees on the circle.

The feedback an individual receives from the Everything DiSC® profile report will mostly be based on where the dot falls on the chart.  Other factors included in an individual's Everything DiSC assessment report will consist of the dots distance from the center as well as the priorities, motivators, and demotivators of the individual.

Whichever Everything DiSC assessment style you possess, you will get an extensive DiSC assessment report on precisely what it means to you and how your personality traits impact your behavior in the workplace.  You will be given tools that you can use to manage your style, improve upon it, and perhaps adapt yourself to other DiSC personality style in situations that call for it.  You will learn how to develop and improve yourself as a leader while gaining helpful insight into yourself.


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