DiSC Profiles: Free DiSC Assessment Online

Free DiSC Profiles

Are you looking for free DiSC profiles?  Well, you came to the right place.  At DiSC Bodhi, we offer you a wide variety of DiSC personality profiles so that you can enhance productivity, teamwork, and collaboration.  In addition, DiSC allows you to build effective relationships with differing DiSC personality types, thereby increasing your ability to influence others.

Our free DiSC assessment includes Everything DiSC® Comparison Report, Everything DiSC Sales® Customer Interaction Map, Everything DiSC® Supplement for Facilitators, and Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders Coaching Supplement.

Learn more about how to complete a DiSC personality assessment.

Free DiSC Profiles:  Everything DiSC® Comparison Report

The free DiSC assessment for the Everything DiSC® Comparison report compares two individuals and their DiSC personality style.  The free discprofile, DiSC® Comparison report, is created from a report that already exists.  Individuals must have already completed an Everything DiSC® profile.  It then combines the results of person A and person B to provide a comparative analysis.

The first page of the report provides you with the Everything DiSC® map which highlights each DiSC® style and their behaviors.

The rest of the report is geared towards each participant and how they can work with participant B (comparison).  It highlights your DiSC personality style in contrast to the other comparative style and your priorities vs. the other priorities.


Free DiSC Profiles:  Everything DiSC Sales® Customer Interaction Map

Another free DiSC assessment is the Everything DiSC Sales® Customer Interaction Map, which is a tool that you can use to help you improve engagement with your customers and to build more influential relationships.  This tool looks at your DiSC sales profile and provides you with insight on how to effectively work with a customer.  You provide your best guess on what that customer's DiSC personality type is (D, i, S, and C) and then report creates a tool that provides you with strategies for interaction.  It assesses your style and the customers' style and offers a narrative of the customers' tendencies and behaviors.


Free DiSC Profiles:  Everything DiSC® Supplement for Facilitators

The Everything DiSC® supplement for facilitators provides additional resources and insight into an individuals DiSC personality style.  It highlights who the individual scored on the eight DiSC® scales D, Di/iD, iS/Si, S, SC/CS, C, and CD/DC and weighs and assigns the most appropriate score.  Also, this DiSC free supplement report for facilitators highlight unexpected areas for the individual since their response is not typical for individuals with that style.  The last item that is included in the Everything DiSC® supplement for facilitators is a map and graph of your priority subscale.


Free DiSC Profiles:  Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders Coaching Supplement

The Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders Coaching Supplement is a free DiSC assessment report that helps coaches to prepare for the coaching conversation with the participant.  It provides the coach with additional information not available in the discprofile report.  The Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders Coaching Supplement offers insight into the participants' DiSC personality style.  It provides a summary analysis of the individuals' behavior and includes a DiSC profile map with the participants' placement of the dot on the map.  Finally, the report provides an analysis of the participants' performance rating based on rater response.  This information is useful in helping the participant to understand how they are perceived by raters vs. how they view themselves.


Free DiSC Profiles:  Everything DiSC® Team View Report

The Everything DiSC provides you with an overview of your team and their individual DiSC personality profile.  For each individual that completed a DiSC profile report, the Everything DiSC personality profile team view report pulls in their dot on the DiSC circular map.  You can identify the DiSC dot placement of the entire team.  This data is powerful because it can help you structure conversations and engagements for a more successful outcome. 


How to Access the Free DiSC Profiles

To access all of our free DiSC profiles you will need to have access to an EPIC account.  The free DiSC profiles are available in the EPIC system.   

Your EPIC account allows you to access all paid and free reports on your account.  

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