DiSC Assessment: How to Take the DiSC® Assessment?

DiSC Assessment Explained

There are two types of DiSC personality assessments available.  You can complete a DiSC assessment in a paper format commonly referred to as DiSC Classic, or you can complete the DiSC assessment in the electronic version known as Everything DiSC profiles.   Completing the Everything DiSC assessment online allows you to download the results instantly. 

DiSC Assessment Explained:  DiSC® Classic Paper Profile


When you take a DiSC Classic assessment you will respond to twenty-eight (28) sections that use four adjectives to describe your behavior on the DiSC Classic paper profile.  You must respond to each section by using a coin to select an adjective that best describes behaviors that are most like you or least like you for each section. 

Once all twenty-eight sections have a response, you will then tally each of the shaded sections.  You will tally your scores for graph I, most like you, and graph II, least like you.  Next, you will take the difference between graph I and graph II to complete graph III. 

The graphs help you to identify your DiSC classical pattern and intensity index. 

DiSC Classic offers individuals and organizations with limited to no access to a computer the ability to take the DiSC assessment.  While DiSC assessments have gone through a series of advancements, the DiSC classic paper profile is still a great way to introduce employees to DiSC.

DiSC Assessment Explained:  Online DiSC Profiles (Everything DiSC)


Another way that individuals can take the DiSC personality test is by purchasing an Everything DiSC profile.  Our DiSC personality profiles that are available online allows you to complete the assessment and gain instant access to your results.

To access the assessment, simply add a profile to your cart and check-out.  Once you go through the check-out process and pay for your DiSC profile, you will then receive an email with your access code.

Follow the steps to complete your DiSC assessment.  Once you complete your DiSC profile, your computer will show a pop-up that allows you to download your report.

Another option to access the DiSC profile report is through an enterprise account for your organization.  Our EPIC cloud-based platform allows you to manage your account for your organization.  Through EPIC you can email profiles to participants, view their results, access free profiles, and personalize the platform with your company information.

Everything DiSC assessments provide a wide variety of DiSC profiles and supporting DiSC assessment reports to help enhance an individual’s self-awareness, helping them to build more effective relationships.  

Some of our Everything DiSC profiles include Everything DiSC Workplace® Profile, Everything DiSC® Sales Profiles, Everything DiSC® Management Profile, Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders Profiles, Everything DiSC® Productive and Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders Profiles

Each of these DiSC assessment reports also has a matching facilitator (sold separately) report that provides the facilitator with an overview of the team results.  The facilitator will get an idea of where and how each individual scored so that they can provide tailored coaching and support.

Another useful DiSC assessment report offered is the Everything DiSC group culture report which looks at the demographics of the team's DiSC personality style and provides insight into how the team works, where the team might experience conflict, and how to enable the team to work effectively.

We also provide free DiSC assessment reports to EPIC account holders and accessed through the EPIC system.  Our discprofile free reports include Everything DiSC® Comparison Report, Everything DiSC Sales® Customer Interaction Map, Everything DiSC® Supplement for Facilitators,  and Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders Coaching Supplement.


DiSC Assessment Explained:  Our Recommendation

Our recommendation when introducing DiSC to participants or an organization that has never used it before is to start with the DiSC Workplace® profile.  The Everything DiSC Workplace® profile is the baseline product for Everything DiSC.  It provides individuals with an overview of their discprofile, provides a storyline on their DiSC behavior, and provides context on how their DiSC personality profile can work with others of a differing DiSC personality style.

As you can see, our assessments offer a wide variety of solutions to meet your needs.  If you still need help identifying which DiSC profile to use, please reach out to us at info@discbodhi.com .


Popular DiSC Personality Profiles

Everything DiSC Workplace Profile

Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Profile

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Profile

Everything DiSC Workplace Facilitation Kit